The purpose of the Global Prize initiative was to recognize and honor some of the most impactful social justice projects and organizations around the world. The ACSJL solicited short video entries from which a set of jurors identified finalists who then came to Kalamazoo to vie for a $25,000 award. The Prize began in 2013 with a focus on collaborative leadership and returned in 2015 to honor transformative leadership models. However, given the diversity of issues encompassed by the term social justice, the need for multiple approaches to address these issues, and the power dynamics that vary from country to country, it has become apparent that such a competition is an ineffective model for advancing justice. By offering only short-term support to one project, the Prize undermines collaboration and does not help sustain social justice leaders committed to the long haul. Therefore, the ACSJL opted to reallocate the time and financial resources to strengthening the impact of the bi-annual With/Out-¿Borders? conference.
Learn more about the 2015 Global Prize.
Learn more about the 2013 Global Prize.