Social Justice Leadership Fund – Past Projects


Hmong Human Rights Conference(HRR): The conference highlighted the issues that the Hmong community faces and potential solutions to those challenges.  

Out of Work: Focused on preparing LGBTQ individuals for participation in the job market after graduation from college.

Midwest Asian American Student Union Conference (MAASU):Asian Pacific Islander Student Association (APISA) attended conference to educate themselves about Asian American culture and issues.

ERAC/CE Training: Over 40 Kalamazoo College students participated in a 2.5 day anti-racism workshop.

Immigration Rally: Reform Immigration rally at Washington D.C. for support of comprehensive immigration policies.

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting: Three students and a professor of chemistry attended the 2014 meeting in San Diego where they had the opportunity to interview Dr. Michael Summer, major advocate of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program. The interview along with small introduction was posted in Praxis Center.

Black Male Summit: Six students along with the Dean of Multicultural Affairs and the Director of Faculty Grants and Institutional Research attend the three day conference at the University of Akron where they had the opportunity to hear black male leaders speak.

Divest Convergence 2014: Three-day convergence focused on building the student divestment movement, strengthening campus campaigns, and supporting a thriving student movement for climate justice.

Research Projects

Complex Science Society: Interdisciplinary summer research in collaboration with K faculty from a variety of departments investigating vaccinations.

Impact of Microfinance on Women in the Developing World:Studied the impact of microfinance as a tool that empowers women. The research was conducted through an internship at the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh.

Inclusive Education for Children with Learning Disabilities in India: Explored the lived experiences of teachers and counselors as they supported children with learning disabilities in their efforts to make their learning environment more inclusive at the Academy for Counseling and Education in Navi Mumbai.

Female Mental Heath Stigma in Borderline Personality Disorder:Conducted research on effects of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) for females at the McLean Hospital at Harvard Medical School. 

Cultural Productions

Resist Psychic Death: Produced and distributed a monthly feminist zine with a focus on issues pertaining to women of color.

Paint the Plate: Produced and distributed plates into the Kalamazoo community as reflection to inspire conversation about the “Decolonizing your Diet.”

Because You’re Brown Honey Child: Spoken word and poetry event to explore the intersectionality of race, class, and sexuality with special performances by Alok Vaid-Menon and Yosimar Reyes. 

Internships and Fellowships

Michigan United Fellowship: Two students interned for the summer at a local non-profit organization that works for economic and racial justice where they had the opportunity to learn about organizing in the community.

Okala Health Center Internship: Six-week medical internship in Okala Health Center in Gabon. 

Senior Individualized Projects


Ayesha Popper | Art

Buck town Oral History: The project highlighted the story of change in Buck town through  personal stories of individuals that have live to see the change.

Academic Persistence and Perceptions of Support In First-Generation College Students:  The research fill focused on studying habits that first generation college student use to survive a rigorous academic setting.

Effects of Strawberries on Blood Glucose Levels: Investigated the effects of strawberries on blood glucose levels after high carbohydrate, moderate and high fat meal in people of color, women, and lower socioeconomic individuals.

NGOs, Missionary Groups and Poverty in Haiti: Returned to ACSJL internship site to conduct research on the role of NGOs and missionary groups in alleviating poverty in Haiti.


Body Image Perception in Kenyan Women: Returned to study abroad site to conduct research for comparative study on body image perception in US American and Kenyan women.

Anti-Abortion Violence in Kalamazoo, MI : Documentary film about the 1986 arson of The Planned Parenthood facility in Kalamazoo.

“The Motor of Campus:” Featured environmental portraits of facilities management employees at gallery show to highlight the class segregation that exist on campus.