Staff Fellowships

The purpose of these fellowships is:

  • to provide administrative, support, and facilities management staff with the opportunity to more deeply engage in social justice and human rights work;
  • to infuse staff engagement during and after the fellowship throughout the campus through close association with the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership;
  • to provide staff with the time and resources to fully engage in the life of the College through the lens of social justice leadership;
  • to provide staff the flexibility and independence to design, implement, and evaluate projects both within and outside of their traditional responsibilities; and
  • to provide staff with the space for reflection, creative thinking, and innovative practices on social justice leadership projects of their own design.

In the broadest terms, the fundamental goal of the Staff Fellowships is to provide staff at Kalamazoo College with the opportunity to take a step back from day-to-day tasks to think about the nature of social justice and human rights at Kalamazoo College and beyond.  As noted above, these fellowships are available to all members of the Kalamazoo College staff:  administrative, support, and facilities management staff.  These fellowships have been designed with flexibility in mind to meet the needs of different applicants. 

Questions? Ideas? Please email the staff of the ACSJL at